Sakhi — with you, all the time! ✨

Sakhi, our multilingual AI chatbot, empowers over 44 million Bengalis through WhatsApp by providing verified menstrual hygiene information in Bangla. By addressing knowledge gaps and social stigma, we significantly enhance healthcare outcomes for women and girls. With strategic partnerships in Bangladesh and India, Sakhi extends its impact beyond menstrual health, tackling various public health and election integrity challenges. 😊🌼

A joint effort by Team AI4Good Armir Celiku, Sadhli Roomy & Swapneel Mehta in collaboration with

  • SimPPL

Steps to be followed to use Sakhi

Empowering Menstrual Health Conversations, One Step at a Time

Install WhatsApp

If you don't have WhatsApp, you can easily install it on your Android or iOS phone by following the provided links.

Get Started with the Chatbot

Click the button above to start chatting with Sakhi. Remember that you will need to provide an “entry” code for authentication each time you start a new conversation. If you have not been provided an entry code, you can email us to request one.

Promote Menstrual Education Responsibly

Feel free to engage with our chatbot, but please remember our mission of promoting menstrual education and avoid spreading incorrect information.

Why Sakhi?

Sakhi is a Whatsapp Chatbot made with collaboration with Wateraid, which will help people in Bangladesh to get their menstruation related queries solved easily. Our aim is to break the taboo and ensure proper education, access to menstrual hygiene products and promote gender equality. By fostering open conversations, we can empower individuals, especially women and girls, to manage their periods with dignity and without social or cultural barriers.

  • Accessible Anytime, Anywhere

    You can use our chatbot on any Android/IOS device anytime.

  • Empowering Conversations in Bangla

    You can type your questions in Bangla and get an output in Bangla for easier conversations.

  • Private Conversations

    Your data is kept private and end-to-end encrypted conversations are not shared with any third-party organizations.

Frequently asked questions

If you have anything else you want to ask, reach out to us.

    • How can I start a conversation with the bot?

      You can start a conversation with the bot by saying Hi and then entering the code given to you.

    • How many questions can I ask Sakhi?

      You can ask 20 questions every 24 hrs to Sakhi.

    • Can I ask questions in Bengali/Benglish?

      Yes! You can ask questions in these languages and get the answer back in Bengali.

    • Do I have to remember the entry code?

      Yes. You have to enter the code everyday to start a new conversation with Sakhi.